Directions: Read carefully!
1. |
Line segment is tangent to circle O at point A. Which type of triangle is always formed when points, A, B and O are connected?
2. |
Given circle O with tangents
and . Find x.
3. |
Given circle O with tangent  .
Find x.
4. |
Segments shown are tangents to the circles. Find x.
5. |
Given circle O with tangents
and . If AB = 15 and
AO = 17, find OC.
6. |
Given circle O with AB = 8 and
OB = 5. Find the length of tangent .
7. |
Given circle O tangents as shown.
Find x.
8. |
Given circle O with a radius of 9, AB = 24, and BC = 30. Is a tangent to circle O?
9. |
Given circle O with tangents
and . If m∠ABC = 74º,
find m∠A.
10. |
Given circles O and M sharing external tangents  and  . The points of tangency are B, C, D, and E. The ratio of AB to BC is 3 to 2. If AE = 35, find DE.

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