Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer.
1. |
In the diagram of a construction at the right, what does represent?
2. |
Which diagram shows the construction of a 45º angle? |
3. |
The diagram at the right shows a construction of an equilateral triangle with side length, AB. Which of the following statements justifies this construction?
4. |
In the diagram of a construction at the right, what does  represent?
5. |
You are given two angles and a side and asked to construct a triangle where the side is included between the two angles. Which of the following descriptions, of the order of the constructions, will always produce the triangle?
6. |
You are given the task of constructing a right triangle. You draw a horizontal line, place a starting point on the line, A, and construct a perpendicular at A. Which of the following statements describes your next step?
7. |
A line segment can be divided into equal sections using the "bisect a segment construction" as long as the number of equal sections desired is
8. |
If asked to construct an isosceles triangle with 30º base angles, which construction(s) could be used in the production of the 30º angles?

9. |
Which of the following constructions is used when dividing a line segment into 5 equal segments?
10. |
You are asked to construct a triangle given the three sides. Which of the following theorems applies directly to this construction?

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