The word "dynamic" means "energetic, capable of action and/or change". Dynamic Software is computer software that allows you to "play" with geometric figures by moving them around, changing their characteristics, and examining their attributes. In relation to constructions, these programs allow you to drag any part of a construction while retaining all the qualities of the construction. Constructing is different from simply drawing.
There are many different types of Dynamic Software programs applicable to geometry.
Some of them are free and some of them are commercial.
Below, you will see screen captures of three basic constructions as performed
with three different software programs. Each software requires a certain degree of time
in which to familiarize yourself with the workings of the program. The more you use
a program, the easier it will become to quickly produce your desired result.
Remember that these software programs will not necessarily create constructions automatically. You must have a working knowledge of "how to" perform the constructions so you can instruct the software as to what needs to be done.
The constructions below are screen captures of constructions performed in the Dynamic Software programs GeoGebra, and the Cabri Jr App for the TI-84 Plus CE/T family of calculators.
Construct a bisector of a segment. |
Example of the construction of a segment bisector using the free software GeoGebra.
Construct a perpendicular from a point not on a line. |


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