Directions: Read carefully. Rotations are counterclockwise unless otherwise stated.
1. |
The image of the point (-4,3) under a rotation of 90º (counterclockwise) centered at the origin is _______.
2. |
ΔRST has R(-2,-2), S(3,5) and T(7,-4). What is the image of point T after a rotation of 180º about the origin?
3. |
For the transformation shown at the right, what is the measure of the angle of rotation of ABCD about the origin?
4. |
After a rotation, point P = P'.
Which statement is true about the location of point P if this occurred?
5. |
A wind vane is an instrument for showing the direction of the wind. Prior to a wind gust, the arrow indicating the direction of the wind is pointing NE, as shown. As a wind gust passes, the wind vane rotates 270 degrees. In what direction is the wind vane pointing during the wind gust?
The vane always rotates in the same direction as shown.
6. |
Rotate the line shown at the right 90º about the origin. Hint: rotate the x and y intercepts.
What is the equation of the resulting image?
7. |
ΔABC is reflected in line m. Then
ΔA'B'C' is reflected in line k.
This double reflection is equivalent to which rotation of ΔABC ?
8. |
A rotation of 120º counterclockwise is the same as a rotation of ____º clockwise.
9. |
In the graph at the right, ΔABC has been transformed into ΔA'B'C'. Which transformation occurred?
(O = origin)
10. |
ΔABC with A(1,1), B(7,-2) and C(1,-2) is rotated 90º about point R (-2,-4). What are the coordinates of the image of point B?

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