Directions: Read carefully and choose the best answers.
1. |
Write the equation of a translation of the function f (x) = | x | that will move the function 4 units to the left and 7 units down. |
2. |
Which equation represents the graph shown at the right? |
3. |
Find the solution(s) to the system:
y =
x2 + 4x - 5
y = | x + 5 |
Round answer(s) to nearest hundredth if needed.
4. |
What happens to the graph of f (x) = a | x | if a changes from 2 to 1? |
5. |
Which statement is true regarding the graph of the function
f (x) = - | x + 1 | + 5 ? |
6. |
What will happen to the graph of the parabola f (x) = x2 - x - 6 if we graph its absolute value g (x) = | x2 - x - 6 | ? |
7. |
For the absolute value function f (x) = | x - 4 |, the equations of the lines containing its linear components ("pieces") are: |
8. |
All absolute value functions and their graphs: |
9. |
An absolute value function was entered into a graphing calculator, and produced the table shown at the right. What are the coordinates of the vertex (turning point) of this absolute value function? |
10. |
Which of the following functions will intersect the graph of:
f (x) = | 2x | + 3 ?

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