Directions: Read carefully and choose the best answers.
1. |
Which of the following choices describes the end behavior of the function shown below?
2. |
Given the function f (x) = 4-2x. What is the percent rate of change? |
3. |
The graph of f (x) = 2x ...
4. |
Given the graph shown at the right, find an exponential function to represent this graph.
5. |
The domain of f (x) = 7x is ... |
6. |
Consider the graph of y = ex with the limited domain [-4,4]. What is the maximum value of the function on this interval? |
7. |
The graph at the right shows a function of the form f (x) = bx.
Which statement must be true
about b?
8. |
Given f (x) = e3x.
Find the value of ln(f (-1)). |
9. |
The table below shows values from an exponential function of the form f (x) = abx. Which of the following equations may be represented by this table?

10. |
A vertical shift of the graph of y = ex changes the horizontal asymptote. What is the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph of y = ex+ 3? |
Given the graph of an increasing exponential function.
a) If the equation for the graph is written as y = abx, describe what is known about the values of a and b.
b) If the equation for the graph is written as y = aekx, describe what is known about the values of a and k.

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