Directions: Read carefully. Choose the best answers.
1. |
True or False: The inverse of the function
f (x) = {(2,3), (7,5), (3,4), (-1,3)}
will be a function?
2. |
The diagram at the right shows the graph of f (x) = x2.
True or False: The inverse of this function will be a function.
3. |
Find the inverse of the function
y = 4x + 12.
4. |
Find the inverse of the function
5. |
Assuming x ≠ 0, find the inverse of the function  .
7. |
The natural logarithmic function is the inverse function of the exponential function. Since the point (0,1) lies on the exponential function, we know that the point _____ lies on the logarithmic function.
8. |
Using composition of functions, show that
f (x) = 2x - 3 and g(x) = 0.5x + 1.5 are inverse functions.
9. |
Given f (x) = 10e2x.
a) Find the inverse, f -1(x).
b) Based upon your answer to a, find the value of x when f (x) = 8.
10. |
What is the inverse of the function a(x) = | x + 2 | for x > -2 ?

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